Puppy Love Day
Presentations and Education Visits
Hosting a puppy love day is a great way to provide an introduction to our canine assisted service program and canines. We provide an educational view on the categories of canine assistance including psychiatric service dogs while engaging audiences of all ages. We love when our groups organize creative fundraisers like toy drives, social media campaigns, and fundraising efforts. Each visit is tailored to your requests. Your support helps to make these life-changing companions available to our participants at no cost.
Inspiration for Better Quality of Life
Veterans, Law Enforcement,
First Responders
Journey with A Purpose® a recovery-oriented canine assisted service program for Veterans, aw enforcement and first responders diagnosed with PTS (post-traumatic stress) or TBI (traumatic brain injury). Our programs help by bringing awareness to the behaviors, fears, and attitudes that our participants need to overcome in order to achieve a positive quality of life. Our canine assisted rehabilitation program utilizes our canine on the journey to become a service canine. Our highly trained canines and service are no cost to the participants, this non medicinal program is a lifeline to mitigate the draining symptoms of service-connected trauma.

Community Canines
This program was started to create a skilled companion to provide a sense of well-being in the environment needed. This emerging complementary program consist of a canine trained specifically for therapy purposes. If you are interested in learning more about our Community Canine program please inquire below.