Named in Honor of Eric T. Rothharpt
2/6/1985 - 10/10/2009

Born in Reading PA, Eric served his country in Golf Company, 426th Brigade Support Battalion, 101 Airborne Division (Air Assault). Upon joining the army, Eric knew that serving his country was his calling. Eric was known to have many hats — to his family - loving and caring, and to his friends - carefree and unbreakable — but when he came home, Eric had changed. We as a family reached out desperately to help him using many of the available outlets of support but not finding a successful solution before it was too late.
Eric’s accident on 10-10-2009 ended his severe emotional and metal issues that he brought back with him. Eric was 24 years old and never got to meet his first child.
Eric’s family wishes to tell their story in hopes to help other families know not all wounds are visible.
Support PTSD awareness.